
General Terms of Use of the Website.

Welcome to Allround Capital Group!
These Terms of Use govern your use of Allround Capital Group website and provide information about the its services.
When you use Allround Capital Group website, you agree to these terms.

These Terms of Use therefore constitute an agreement between you and Allround Capital Group, SL.

  1. Purpose.
  2. Your Acceptance.
  3. Condictions of access to and use of website.
  4. Intellectual property.
  5. Contracting with third parties through the website.
  6. Rules of publication
  7. Publication on other websites operted by Allround Capital Group.
  8. Governing law and jurisdiction.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to establish the General Terms of Use of the “allroundcapital.com” Online Website and all other websites owned by Allround Capital Group.
Allround Capital Group reserves the right to modify the present General Terms of Use to adapt them to the laws at any time.

2. Your Acceptance

The use of any of the Website Services by users implies their knowledge and express acceptance of all the General Terms of Use in the version published on this site at the moment the User enters the site, as well as of the Specific Conditions which may be applicable.
If you do not agree to any of these terms, please do not use the Service.

3.Condictions of access to and use of website.

By completing your registration with Allround Capital Group as a potential Home Buyer or Home Seller, you agree that:
  1. You are of legal age and are otherwise capable of forming a legally binding contract;
  2. You are interested in purchasing/selling property or both;
  3. You do not have an exclusive contractual or other arrangement with any other real estate professional;
  4. You agree to be contacted via E mail or other means by Allround Capital Group, and by third parties for services you have requested;
  5. Allround Capital Group may request, receive, copy and review your real property transaction and/or settlement documents;

4.Intellectual property

All pages and pictures on this web site are the property of the company Allround Capital Group, SL.

Pages, code, pictures or other content from allroundcapitalgroup.com may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written permission of Allround Capital Group, SL.
Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.

5.Contracting with third parties through the website.

Allround Capital Group's Web site may contain links to Web sites maintained by third parties. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only. Allround Capital Group does not operate or control in any respect any information, software, products or services available on such Web sites. Allround Capital Group's inclusion of a link to a Web site does not imply any endorsement of the services or the site, its contents, or its sponsoring organization.

6. Rules of publication


1. The following information is the minimum information which you must submit to allround capital group in respect of each listing for publication on the Website:
  • (a) street address;
  • (b) property type (e.g. house, apartment);
  • (c) title;
  • (d) description;
  • (e) number of bedrooms (except for vacant land);
  • (f) number of bathrooms (except for vacant land);
  • (g) images (minimum of 1);

2. Where you do not provide, or authorise allround capital group to publish, all of the above information set out above in a listing, allround capital group may not publish the listing on the Website.

3. allround capital group reserves the right to update the minimum required information that must be provided in respect of each listing for publication on the Website by either updating this Agreement or updating the field requirements on the Website.

7. Privacy

You can read our policy of privacy : Policy of Privacy.